1. Admission Policies

Our Board of Directors applies an admissions policy fairly and equally regardless of religion, race, gender/sexual orientation. It is Kingsbridge International School’s policy to admit Students of any race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, ethnicity, national origin, age, disability, or any other basis protected by law.

The School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, gender, sexual orientation, national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational policies, financial aid, athletic or other school administered programs. Admissions decisions at Kingsbridge International School are made in a non-discriminatory manner and are based on qualifications, abilities and merit.

2. How parents can apply for their children to be admitted to our school

Our school is an independent school for Students from the age of 1 and half years-old (Daycare) to grade 6. It is required that all parents submit an application form, national identification card, vaccination card, birth certificate and or copy of passport, application fee and existing educational records to enable their children to apply. Pupils entering into Grade 1 and above are also required to submit a Teacher Recommendation Form from their current school as well as prior school reports.

Normal intake for the school year starts by or before August 15th, however due to the nature of our parent body we do have Students starting at other times of the year and offer ‘Rolling Admissions’ to best serve our international community.

3. Aims and Objectives

We are an inclusive school and welcome Students from diverse cultural, racial and socio-economic backgrounds. It is our wish for parents to find a place for their Students at the school where they are best suited. All applications will be treated in a fair and sensitive manner and all admissions materials received are handled and maintained as confidential materials.

4. Sizes of Classes

In order to ensure high quality of education and to make it easy for classroom management, we endeavor to keep our class sizes at or below 20 Students.

                                           II- GENERAL INFORMATION

1. Calendar and schedule

 A copy of the school calendar is available from our customer service desk and or provided with this Handbook at the time of enrollment.

2. School Entrance Requirements

All learners must have satisfactorily completed all components of their preschool education and or have learned the alphabet and can read single syllable words prior to entrance into our Grade 1 level IC+NC academic programs. The level of English proficiency becomes a matter of greater significance in upper primary. All learners entering the school must sit for an English entrance evaluation examination and attend an interview session with the Head Teacher and/or Principal.

3. Age Requirements

The recognized cut-off date for the school is 31st August. All learners entering Year 1 must be 6 years of age by the 31st of August in their first year of primary school. Any exceptions to this rule will be considered and a learner may be accepted based on his/her achievement at a prior institution.

4. Attendance

All Students should attend school during all normal school business days. If your child is absent it is recommended that the parent or guardian call the school to inform us of your child’s absence. All Students must arrive to school by 7:30 am, Students arriving any time after 8:30 am must report to the school front office to receive a late pass to enter their classroom

5. Arrival and Departure

Our campus is supervised from 7:00 am. to 5:00 pm. all Students should remain in the assembly areas (Playground or Cafeteria) or proceed directly to their classrooms when they arrive. The first bell rings at 7:30 am. On Monday mornings Students will line up for the morning flag ceremony after which they proceed to their classrooms. Students report to their homerooms at 7:45 am when class lessons begin. On Friday afternoons Students will line up for the flag ceremony at 4:45pm prior to leaving school. Students arriving late to school (after 8:30 am) must report to the school front office to pick up a late slip which is to be handed to the classroom teaching assistant (TA) and or the homeroom teacher.

Students who are not picked up within 15 – 20 minutes of the end of their school program must wait in an area designated by the teachers or school management. Students who are picked up late or after 5:15pm will be charged a supervisory fee of $2 for each 30 minutes late, ($4 per hr.). We strongly encourage all parents/guardians to pick up their child/Students on time. In case of an emergency situation when a parent/guardian cannot pick up their child on time and or will pick up after 5:15 we would appreciate calling our office to notify us of the delay so we can insure your child is supervised accordingly. 

6. Dress Code

KIS encourages students to dress neatly and appropriately and in accordance with the dress code. The KIS school uniform must be worn on regular school days.

  • Shirts and blouses with the KIS logo on the left pocket.
  • Shorts or long pants for boys, dresses or skirts for girls.
  • Closed shoes and or athletic shoes may be worn with socks.
  • We do not encourage sandals and or flip flop open toed type shoes.

The KIS’s PE uniform and athletic shoes must be worn on PE session or field trip days only. Other regulations regarding appearance:   

  • Conservative hairstyles are required, dyed hair must be of a natural color.
  • No jewelry, except for watches and items worn for religious / cultural purposes, any other jewelry or adornment is strongly discouraged.
  • School uniforms worn to school should be clean and kept in good appearance.

7. School Bag and Student Supplies

Two sets of Students supplied will be provided to each Student. One set will give to each Student for home uses and other set will be kept at school for classroom use.

Bulky items may be brought to school and stored in the Student’s school bag or if applicable the Student storage lockers located in or outside the classroom.

* All supplies/materials should be labeled individually with the Student’s name

8. School Meals

Our school provides the opportunity for Students to have a meal at lunchtimes. We do all we can to ensure that the meals provided have a suitable nutritional value, in line with the requirements of the School.

Please note that Students can elect and pay to receive a set-lunch which is not included in tuition, all other Students who wish to have lunch at school in the cafeteria must bring their own lunch. Mid-morning snacks and lunches are arranged in our cafeteria where Students and teachers have lunch together. Students with food allergies are encouraged to bring their own snacks and lunches.

Our cafeteria staff prepare delicious and nutritious breakfast and lunches taking Students’ needs into consideration. We change our menu regularly according to Students’ likes, however, Cambodian, Chinese and international cuisines are usually available. We guarantee the freshness of the products purchased every day. The cafeteria is open during recess/breaks, and lunchtime.  Students are not allowed to leave the campus to purchase food outside.

                                                III- KIS ACADEMIC PROGRAMS

1. International Learning Goals

These goals are aimed to provide each child with an international mindset to help them to understand and celebrate each other’s differences and similarities. An international element to each unit of work is incorporated within the curriculum. These elements, alongside the personal learning goals of respect and cooperation, promote international mindedness within the classroom.

2. Subject Learning Goals

These goals comprise of subjects that are expected to find in any curriculum. Our International curriculum (IC) comprises of Science, Geography, History, Information Communications Technology (ICT), and Technology), Music, Art, Physical Education, Society, Technology and Chinese as an additional language. Subjects are taught with a truly global perspective – although based on US National Curriculum standards

These are universal qualities we are sure that all parents would like their Students to develop. These goals are in-line with the values outlined in our mission statement and is built into the curriculum.

The school places a significant emphasis on the learner’s ability to achieve in English, Mathematics and Science. The Students will be involved in related work each day. The teacher’s lesson plans for their year level are reviewed and monitored by the school’s management team on a regular basis.

3. Homework Policy

Homework provides an opportunity for Students to practice their skills, review what they have learned and prepare for the teacher feels need further attention. Parents may communicate with the homeroom teacher by writing in Notebook “Remarks” column of the Assignment Notebook if needed.

Each Student will have an Assignment Notebook, and/or Parent Communication book.   From time to time your child’s teachers may need to inform you of your child’s progress, performance, behavior and/or any other academic issues which

4. Assessment Examinations

Learners in primary will sit for end of semester “Final Examinations” in English, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies.

5. Reporting – Report Cards

Reports cards are handed out to parents/Students two (2) times a year at the parent teacher conferences (PTC).  All primary Students in Year 1 through Year 6 will take a final exam in each of the core subjects at the end of each semester as a means of assessment (a midyear exam and end of year exam).

Mid-Year Report Cards will/may be issued during the first week of the second semester or within 30 days from the beginning of the second semester. End-Year Report Cards will/may be issued during the first week of the second semester or within 30 days from the beginning of the second semester.

Report cards will show basic achievement and effort levels in all learning areas including teachers’ comments on detailed analysis of student’s achievement and effort levels. There are four main parts within the reporting structure:

  • Learning Areas: The learning areas assessed for achievement and effort include IPC, Mathematics, English, Science and Geography.
  • Future Learning Targets: The achievement and effort levels will be accompanied by future learning targets that your child needs to achieve in order to better their level of achievement in the learning area.
  • Social Development: The homeroom teacher will write a non-academic comment based on your child’s personal and social development within the school.
  • Attendance: The report will outline the number of days your child attended the school out of the maximum number possible.

                                       IV- BEHAVIOR AND DISCIPLINE POLICY

1. Aims and Objectives

Kingsbridge International School implements a school wide policy that establishes high expectations and provides support for socially appropriate behavior. At KIS, we reinforce positive behavior and highlight sanctions against inappropriate behavior. In turn, the entire school community makes a commitment to behaving responsibly.

2. Discipline

At KIS, we promote good behavior. Teachers communicate their expectations to the Students through school and classroom rules. Such open communication results in a healthy relationship, and rewards achievement. Should it be necessary, Students are disciplined at a level appropriate for them. Physical punishment, however, is strictly prohibited.

3. Punctuality

It is important for Students to arrive on time.  If a Student arrives late for school, s/he must bring in a letter from parents for the homeroom teacher explaining her/his lateness. Frequent tardiness may affect the Student’s academic progress and may be subject to disciplinary warnings in writing.

4. Absence

If your child will be absent, kindly inform the office so that the homeroom teacher may be made aware.  Please call the school office at 095486686 or 0885234271.  In the case of illness, please send a note stating the reason your child was absent upon his/her return to school.  In the event of long absences of more than one week, parents must notify the school/teacher in advance. Teachers may then provide some assignments. It is the responsibility of every Student to catch up on the work missed.

5. Leaving School Early

Approval must be granted for any Student to leave the school for any reason. Students must bring a note from home explaining why he/she needs to leave early, the time he/she will be leaving and who will pick the Student up, the information provided will be verified prior to approving an early departure.

                                          V- HEALTH AND SAFETY POLICIES

1. Aims and Objectives

Our school is committed to make sure that all Students are healthy; stay safe; enjoy and achieve; make a positive contribution; enjoy the KIS experience. The health, safety and welfare of all the people who work or learn at our school are therefore of fundamental importance.

We aim to provide a safe, secure and pleasant learning and working environment for everyone. The Board of Directors takes responsibility for protecting the health, safety and welfare of all Students and members of staff.

2. Healthy Schools Initiative

We believe that a healthy school is one in which Students can thrive not only physically and academically, but also spiritually and emotionally. We promote a whole-school approach to the well-being of our Students, which involves:

  • giving health issues high priority in our morning assemblies;
  • planning the curriculum to ensure that the Students have sufficient opportunity to learn about healthy living and wellbeing;
  • providing opportunities for Students to take responsibility for their learning and behavior;
  • making sure that the environment is stimulating and conducive to learning;
  • providing opportunities for Students to put forward their views and be listened to;
  • supporting Students who need additional care and attention;
  • providing opportunities for all our staff to develop their skills;
  • working closely with parents and external agencies to provide the best possible support for our Students;
  • making sure all Students have clear and appropriate targets.


1. Aims and Objectives

We teach the students about health and safety in order to equip them with the skills, knowledge and understanding that will enable them to live positive, successful and healthy lives. Teachers take every opportunity to educate Students in this regard. We teach students respect for their bodies, and how to look after themselves. We discuss these issues with the Students in lessons, where Students learn about health and well-being. We also show them how to move and play safely in PE lessons.

Health and safety issues also arise when we teach care for the environment. Students develop and awareness of and sense of responsibility for caring for their wider environment.

2. Child Protection

The named person with responsibility for child protection in our school is the Principal. If any teacher suspects that a child in their class may be the victim of abuse, they should not try to investigate, but should immediately inform the Principal about their concerns.

All the adults in our school share responsibility for keeping our Students safe. We may, on occasion, report concerns which, on investigation, prove unfounded. It is better to be safe than sorry, and we trust that parents, while they will naturally be upset, will nevertheless accept that the school acted in the child’s best interests.

3. School Security

KIS is monitored by security guard 7/24 and we will try do our best to ensure that the school is a safe environment for all who work or learn here. We review security measures regularly, and draw upon the advice of experts.

We require all adult visitors who arrive in normal school hours to sign the visitors’ book in the reception area, and to wear an identification badge at all times whilst on the school premises. Teachers will not allow any adult to enter their classroom if the school visitor’s badge does not identify them.

KIS incorporates CCTV cameras in all classrooms and in all common public areas of the school (excluding toilets). The KIS admin team and school Principal can and do monitor via CCTV all classrooms and school facilities regularly.  

4. Safety of Students

It is the responsibility of each teacher to ensure that all curriculum activities are safe. Teachers and staff will always be vigilant for hazards concerning equipment or activities related to their area of responsibility.

If a teacher/Staff member has any concerns about Student safety, s/he should bring them to the attention of the Principal before that particular activity takes place. We do not take any child off the school site without the prior permission of the parent.

5. Visiting the classroom teacher

Parents and/or visitors are prohibited from entering the school grounds outside of the school office, unless they have received express permission from the Principal and/or Head Teacher.

Parents are not to go directly to any classroom during normal school business hours. Kindly contact the school office first if you wish to talk to your child’s teacher concerning his/her progress or performance, please request an appointment with the teacher. 

A mutually convenient time can then be arranged. Parents and or visitors who have not received permission but are found walking around the school campus will be asked to leave or to return to the school office.

6. Student Accident Insurance

Although we do not like accidents they do happen, they can occur at any time.  Student insurance helps to pay for the expenses incurred by a KIS Student who is injured on school grounds or field trips anytime during or after school hours.  The insurance policy is in effect year-round, and the limit is up to what is specified in the policy itself.

7. Illness/Injury

Kingsbridge International School is very concerned with Student health. Students should tell their class teachers if they are not feeling well; teachers will then send the Student to the front office for further evaluation and or notification to the parent to pick up the child.

Any child with a fever over 100 F / 38 C will be sent home for care.  Please keep your child home if she/he has a severe cold/cough, unfamiliar rashes or spots, pink eye, diarrhea or any other such communicable diseases and/or symptoms. 

Students are not allowed to bring any kind of medicines to school unless absolutely necessary.  There must be clear written instructions regarding the time and dosages of the medicines, otherwise the teacher may not dispense them. 

First aid kits are kept in the school front office station.

8. Birthdays

Students enjoy birthdays and bringing cakes to school.  If you wish to send a cake to be shared with the other Students, kindly inform the teacher in advance.

9. Change of address

The school office needs to keep a record of the current addresses and telephone numbers for each Student.  If there are any changes, please inform the office immediately.

10. Lost items

Students are responsible for their own belongings.  Please label your child’s clothes and other supplies.  Do not encourage your child to bring valuable items to school as the school cannot be responsible for the security of the belongings while on campus or field trips.  Any items found will be kept at the school office.

11. Toys, Electronic Games and Devices

Please do not encourage your child to bring toys to school, especially toy guns, swords or any other sharp objects, games, magazines or electronic devices.  The school is not responsible for any items that may get lost or broken.  Mobile phones are discouraged at school and if brought should be silenced and kept in school bags, please note that the school will not be held responsible for any loss or damage to any devices brought to school.

12. Excursions – field trips

During the school year, field trips will be conducted to places of interest. On all occasions, the class teacher will let you know the full details of the excursions. Invariably the field trip permission form will contain a slip which you as the parent sign giving permission for your child to attend the excursion.

13. KIS School Office

The school office hours are 7:00 am until 5:00 pm, Business days Monday through Friday. If you need an official record from the school, kindly notify our office at least three days in advance.

                                                  VII- PAYMENT POLICIES

1. School Payment

In order to make it easy for parents or guardian to manage the payment for their children the Kingsbridge International School divides the school payment into 3 different plans. Tuition Fees can be paid by 1 Payment/Year or 2 Payments/Year or 4 Payments /Year.

The payment could be made before the beginning of the school year (from July through August) or during the semester break (January) before starting second semester.

2. Payment Term and Condition

Parents or guardian can choose to pay by 1 Payment/Year, 2 Payments/Year or 4 Payments /Year. Students who begin school after the school year has begun will pay a pro-rated amount for the remaining months left within the KIS academic school year.

Tuition fee and other fee must paid in advance before the school year begins. School fees are non-refundable. Students taken out of school during the school year will not be reimbursed for any fees/costs incurred. Late payments will be subject to a fine of 3$ per day, if payment is not made within 30 days of payment due date KIS will discontinue enrollment of the student until payment has been made.

Parents or guardian who pay a 1-year full tuition in advance of each new school year (before August 15) for their children will receive free enrollment fee.

3. School Transportation Services and Fee

Road safety is very important for everyone, especial our beloved ones, therefor KIS provides transportation with professional driver accompanied by professional care taker. The children will not only learn at school but will also learn on the bus along the way to school and back home about the traffic law, the way people should drive and the urbanization as well as the environment along the way.  

Transportation fee can be paid by 1 Payment/Year or 2 Payments/Year or 4 Payments /Year according to the zone in the chart, which will be provided every year up on request of parents/guardian.