The Uniform of Kingsbridge International School (KIS) is created in order to show unity, solidarity among students and improve the atmosphere within the school. By wearing the uniform, students are treated equally at KIS regardless of their social status, nationalities, religious believe or skin color.  In addition, the uniform is aimed at implementing the school’s principles to educate our students from the beginning to be well-disciplined and encourage positive habits so that they will be good children, good students, and good citizens and to enable them to become high responsible leaders of the new generation as pillars for Cambodia.

KIS encourages students to dress neatly, appropriately and in accordance with the dress code. The KIS’s school uniform must be worn on regular school days and should be clean and kept in good appearance. Shirts and blouses with the KIS logo on the left pocket. Shorts or long pants for boys and dresses or skirts for girls. The KIS’s PE uniform and athletic shoes must be worn on PE session or field trip days only.

Closed shoes and/or athletic shoes may be worn with socks  and KIS does not encourage students to sandals and or flip flop open toed type shoes. No jewelry, except for watches and items worn for religious/cultural purposes. Any other jewelry or adornment is strongly discouraged.